We Now Offer Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy

What is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy is a non-surgical procedure that effectively treats:
- low back pain
- neck pain
- radiating arm and leg pain (such as sciatica)
- headaches
caused by:
- bulging disc
- herniated disc
- degenerative disc
- stenosis
- facet syndrome
Decompression Therapy works by slowly and gently lengthening and decompressing the spine, reducing the pressure on spinal discs and facet joints. A motorized pulley, along with a separating table, is used to create the distraction. Most Decompression tables only allow face up positioning. Our table is unique in that we can position patients on the table face up, face down, or side-lying, with added flexion or extension, depending on the patient’s need and comfort. In our office, we can decompress the neck, mid-back, and low back, as well as the extremities.
During Decompression Therapy, a negative pressure is created within the disc. This negative pressure creates an intradiscal vacuum that helps reduce bulging discs and pulls nutrients, oxygen, blood sugar into the disc. Upon release of the tension, the disc expels waste products. This process facilitates healing of the disc.
A Decompression session consists of several cycles of gentle tension and release, creating a pump-like action in the disc, drawing fluids & nutrients in and pushing waste out. Watch the video below to see what happens during a Decompression session.
Before Invasive Surgery or Injections, Consider Decompression!
While back surgery may sometimes be the only solution, many health professionals feel strongly that surgery should be used as the last resort, only after trying conservative, noninvasive treatment options such as Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, and Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy. Even with advances in surgical procedures, surgery does come with inherent risks, high costs, lengthy recovery times, and possible complications such as infection or surgical failure.
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome is an actual term used when surgery fails to give the patient relief or improvement of function. Research shows a failure rate of 30%-46% for a lumbar fusion surgery and 19%-25% for a simpler microdiscectomy procedure. Subsequent repeat or revision surgeries have progressively higher failure rates. One should consider all options before making a decision about surgery. Even if you have had a failed back surgery, you may still benefit from Spinal Decompression Therapy. However, if you have artificial discs, bone implants, or any spinal hardware from previous surgeries, you are NOT a candidate for Spinal Decompression.
What Can You Expect During Non-Surgical Decompression Therapy?
A typical Spinal Decompression case consists of 12-24 sessions lasting 8-12 minutes over the course of 4-8 weeks, depending on your individual needs. These sessions may be accompanied by spinal adjustments, targeted nutrition, and other soft tissue therapies. Non-Surgical Decompression Therapy is administered to patients fully clothed either face down, face up, or side-lying on the table.
While many patients feel initial relief after just a few sessions, others may not feel relief as quickly and should not be discouraged. Every case is unique and some problems are more chronic than others. Whether relief is fast or slow, it is important to stay on the treatment plan. We perform periodic reevaluations so we can adapt to your needs. Stopping treatment early can result in a return of symptoms, often worse than before, wasting time and money. Best results are achieved in committed patients, as discs take time to heal.
Is Non-Surgical Decompression Therapy Right For You?
Dr. Will or Dr. Tammy will go over your medical history and will use the results of your diagnostic tests to see if you can benefit from this advanced treatment. Non-Surgical Decompression Therapy is not appropriate for some including pregnant women, patients who have broken vertebrae or surgical hardware/artificial discs in their spine, or patients with other rare conditions.
If you would like to learn more or see if you are a candidate for Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy, call us at 218-284-3030 or click the link below.
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